Jesus Said... l a man's life is no better than the foundation upon which it is built l people are unclean not because of what goes into them but because of what comes out of them l to enter the kingdom of heaven, you have to be born again l go boldly before God with your requests l mens' hearts are dark but fixable l forgive one another l the kingdom of God is like trees, children and money l forceful men seize the kingdom of God l we need to become like children to inherit the kingdom of God l be radically selfless l I gve you boundless forgiveness l you can gain treasure in heaven l love your enemies l I give you eternal life l I give you the Holy Spirit l with the Holy Spirit upon you -- you will do greater things than I did l you will have to battle a persistent attraction to evil l a person's history has nothing to do with happiness l if you follow me -- the world won't be happy with you l if you have faith the size of a mustard seed -- you can move mountains l I am the bridge to a better life l I speak for a source not of this earth l I offer you a reconditioned heart |