NARADA appears on every
Earth continent with varying symbols and definitions:
In the Hindu religion, the sage NARADA a.k.a. 'The 9
provoke peace amid chaos and instigate chaos amid peace to establish
cosmic balance among mortals. NARADA is a stabilizing influence
in most Vedic contexts.
In ante-Latin, NARADA described a utopian state of
In the Asian sphere, principally Korea, Japan and
Vietnam, the written symbol for NARADA transliterates to, "Highlander."
The cyrillic etymology of NARADA from the Cacucasus
mountains, particularly eastern Europe derives from, "Range," or 'range
Nazi occultists refer to NARADA as an Atlantean or
hybird soul according to Vril and Thule mythology.
The name NARADA appears in northwest Australia, is
growing in popularity as a first name and is a registered trademark in
several countries. NARADA is a prefix for landmarks, restaurants,
seafronts, watermarks, appliances, a record label and other business
ventures around the world.
Type, 'Narada,' in your browser's URL line and discover
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