"EXP" or "*" (expand) -- include all
"~" do
NOT show any subdisplays period
"FULL" or "=" gives long display for EACH record
or "$" give summary for each match
"SUB" or
"%" show subdisplay and summary
combinations acceptable i.e. "FULL SUB" etc]
finds gateway host
finds automatic system numbers i.e. "net 128.15" -- all networks with a
first octet of 128
finds localdomain "."
(organization) trail w/.dot for all
finds all mailboxs for xxxxx at any host
finds all mailboxes at host
finds the specific mailbox
finds just mailboxes in personal records
the trailing dot serves as unknown follows
"DO" x w/any .dot
"HO" finds
host, nicks & gates
(partial) name. (trail w/.dot)
"!" handle
-- looks only for a handle
name -- looks for all of them
performs a broad search
find all w/what follows
finds nettwork or ###.###
Smith, J
Smith, John
Smith, John Q.
Smith, John Q., III
"GR" (group)
"PE" (person)