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10-0 Caution.
10-1 Receiving poorly / unable to copy.
10-2 Receiving well / signal good.
10-3 Stop transmitting.
10-4 OK -- message received.
10-5 Relay message.
10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent.
10-7A Out of service at home.
10-7B Out of service - personal.
10-7od Out of service - off duty
10-8 In service / available for assignment.
10-9 Repeat last transmission.
10-10 Off duty / fight in progress.
10-10A Off duty at home.
10-11 Identify this frequency / dog case.
10-12 Visitors are present (be discrete) / stand by.
10-13 Advise weather and road conditions.
10-14 Citizen holding suspect / prowler report.
10-15 Prisoner in custody / civil disturbance.
10-16 Pick up prisoner / domestic problem.
10-17 Request for gasoline / meet complaintant.
10-18 Equipment exchange.
10-19 Return / returning to the station.
10-20 Location?
10-21 Call on landline.
10-21a Advise home that I will return at...
10-21b Phone your home
10-21r Phone radio dispatch
10-22 Disregard assignment / message.
10-22 Report in person to ...
10-22c Leave area if all secure.
10-23 Standby / arrived at scene.
10-24 Request car-to-car transmission.
10-24 Completed last assignment.
10-25 Contact in person / do you have contact with ...
10-26 Clear / disregard last / detaining subject.
10-27 Driver's license check / switching to channel ....
10-28 Vehicle registration request / identify your station.
10-29 Check wants / warrants. [vehicle] (PIN,SVS)
10-29a Check wants/warrants [subject] (PIN)
10-29c Check complete [subject]
10-29f The subject is wanted for a felony.
10-29h Caution - severe hazard potential.
10-29r Check wants/record [subject PIN,CJIC)
10-29m The subject is wanted for a misdemeanor.
10-29v The vehicle wanted in connection W/crime.  
10-30 Does not conform to regs or FCC rules.
10-31 Crime in progress.
10-32 Drowning / Armed suspect.
10-33 Alarm sounding / Emergency.
10-34 Assist at office / trouble at this station / Riot.
10-35 Time check / Major crime alert.
10-36 Correct time.
10-37 ID operator / vehicle / wrecker needed
10-38 Ambulance needed at ... / suspecious vehicle.
10-39 Put ... on the radio / message delivered.
10-40 Is ... available for a telephone call?
10-41 Please switch to channel ... / beginning shift.
10-42 Check welfare of / traffic accident ... / end shift.
10-43 Call a doctor / traffic tied up at ...
10-44 I have a message for you / or ...
10-45 All units within range report.
10-45 What is the condition of the patient?
10-45A Condition of patient is good.
10-45B Condition of patient is serious.
10-45C Condition of patient is critical.
10-45D Patient is deceased.
10-46 Sick person [ambulance enroute] / assist motorist.
10-47 Emergency road repair.
10-48 Ambulance transfer call / traffic repair at ...
10-49 Proceed / enroute to ... / traffic light out at ...
10-50 Break channel ... / accident.
10-50 under influence of narcotics / take a report.
10-51 Subject is drunk / wrecker needed.
10-52 Resuscitator / ambulance needed.
10-53 Person down / roadblock at ...
10-54 Possible dead body / livestock on highway.
10-55 Coroner's case / intoxicated driver.
10-56 Suicide / intoxicated pedestrian.
10-56A Suicide attempt.
10-57 Firearm discharged / hit and run.
10-58 Garbage complaint / direct traffic.
10-59 Security check / malicious mischief / convoy.
10-60 Lock out / squad in vacinity.
10-61 Misch public service / personnel in area.
10-62 Meet a citizen / unable to copy -- use landline.
10-62A Take a report from a citizen.
10-62B Civil standby.
10-63 Prepare to copy / prepare written copy.
10-64 Found property / message for local delivary.
10-65 Missing person / waiting for next message
10-66 Suspicious person / cancel message.
10-67 Person calling for help / all units comply.
10-68 Call on landline / dispatch information.
10-70 Prowler / Fire at ...
10-71 Shooting / nature of fire.
10-72 Knifing / progress of fire..
10-73 How do you receive? / smoke report.
10-74 Negative.
10-75 In contact with ...
10-76 Enroute.
10-77 Negative contact / ETA.
10-78 Need assistance.
10-79 Bomb threat / notify coroner.
10-80 Explosion / chase in progress.
10-81 Breathalyzer report.
10-82 Reserve a room for ...
10-83 Work school Xing at ...
10-84 My telephone number is ...
10-85 My address is ... / delayed due to ...
10-86 Any traffic? / Officer on duty.
10-87 Meet / pick up officer at ... 
10-88 Post officer / assume post.
10-89 Radio repairman needed at ... / bomb threat.
10-90 I have TVI / bank alarm at ...
10-91 Animal / pick up prisoner / subject.
10-91a Stray.
10-91b Noisy animal.
10-91c Injured animal.
10-91d Dead animal.
10-91e Animal bite.
10-91g Animal pickup.
10-91h Stray horse
10-91j Pickup/collect ______.
10-91L Leash law violation.
10-91V Vicious animal.
10-92 Improperly parked vehicle.
10-93 Check frequency this channel / blockade.
10-94 Please give me a long count / drag racing.
10-95 Requesting ped ID / subject in custody.
10-96 Ped out of vehicle / send backup / mental subject
10-97 Arrived at the scene / radio check.
10-98 Available for assignment / prison break.
10-99 Open garage door / all units secure / wanted.
10-100 Civil disturbance - Mutual aid standby.
10-200 Police needed at ...
10-101 Civil disturbance - Mutual aid request.

11-00 Codes
11-10 Take a report.
11-24 Abandoned automobile.
11-25 Traffic hazard.
11-26 Abandoned bicycle.
11-27 10-27 with the driver being held.
11-28 10-28 with the driver being held.
11-40 Advise if an ambulance is needed.
11-41 An ambulance is needed.
11-42 No ambulance is needed.
11-48 Furnish transportation.
11-51 Escort.
11-52 Funeral detail.
11-54 Suspicious vehicle.
11-55 Officer is being followed by automobile.
11-56 Officer is being followed by auto containing dangerous persons.
11-57 An unidentified auto appeared at the scene of the assignment.
11-58 Radio traffic is being monitored. Phone all non-routine messages.
11-59 Give intensive attention to high hazard/business areas.
11-60 Attack in a high hazard area.
11-65 Signal light is out.
11-66 Defective traffic light.
11-71 Fire.
11-78 Aircraft accident.
11-79 Accident - ambulance dispatched.
11-80 Accident - major injuries.
11-81 Accident - minor injuries.
11-82 Accident - no injuries.
11-83 Accident - no details.
11-84 Direct traffic.
11-85 Tow truck required.
11-94 Pedestrian stop.
11-95 Routine traffic stop.
11-96 Checking a suspicious vehicle.
11-97 Time/security check on patrol vehicles.
11-98 Meet: _______
11-99 Officer needs help.
900 Series Codes
904 Fire.
904A Automobile fire.
904B Building fire.
904G Grass fire.
909 Traffic problem; police needed.
910 Can handle this detail.
925 Suspicious vehicle.
932 Turn on _______ mobile relay at _______.
933 Turn off mobile relay.
949 Burning inspection at _______.
950 Control burn in progress/about to begin/ended.
951 Need fire investigator.
952 Report on conditions.
953 Investigate smoke.
953A Investigate gas.
954 Off the air at the scene of the fire.
955 Fire is under control.
956 Assignment not finished.
957 Delayed response of __ minutes.
980 Restrict calls to emergency only.
981 Resume normal traffic.
1000 Plane crash
3000 Road block

Other Codes
Code 1 Do so at your convenience.
Code 2 Urgent.
Code 3 Emergency/lights and siren.
Code 4 No further assistance is needed.
Code 5 Stakeout.
Code 6 Responding from a long distance.
Code 7 Mealtime.
Code 8 Request cover/backup.
Code 9 Set up a roadblock.
Code 10 Bomb threat
Code 12 Notify news media
Code 20 Officer needs assistance
Code 22 Restricted radio traffic
Code 30 Officer needs HELP - EMERGENCY!
Code 33 Mobile emergency - clear this radio channel.
Code 43 TAC forces committed.
AID Public Safety Assistance
Phonetic Alphabet  A - M

A Adam
B Boy   
C Charles
D David  
E Edward
F Frank   
G George
H Henry  
I Ida        
J John   
K King  
L Lincoln
M Mary  
Phonic Alphabet N - Z

N Nora
O Ocean
P Paul
Q Queen
R Robert
S Sam
T Tom
U Union
V Victor
W William
X X-ray
Y Yellow
Z Zebra