Covert Wrist Watch Digital
Camera And Video Camera Two Models To Pick From With Or Without Viewing
More ways to sneakily
take pictures or video of other people is found with the Covert Wrist
Watch Digital Camera and Video Camera! It is a wrist watch with a covert
digital camera and video camera built-in. It will take up to 312 “full
color, excellent resolution” photos or about 10 minutes of video. It comes
with a USB dock to contact it to your computer for downloading.
- Storage Memory Size: 8M
- Number Of Photos: 640 X 480 Mode: 78 Photos
- Number Of Photos: 320 X 240 Mode: 312 Photos
- Aperture: 2.8
- Lens: 1/4th Inch Fixed Lens
- Exposure Mode: Auto
- White Balance: Auto
- Soft-Timer Delay: 10 Seconds
- Image Sensor: 1/4 inch CMOS
- Modes: Single/ Self timer/ Continuous Shot
- Exposure Speed: 1/60 Second - 1/1500 Second
- Two Frame Rates: 12 frames Per Second Or 8 Frames Per Second
- Weigh: 47 g
- Operation System: wIN98/200/ ME/ XP
- Wrist Watch Camera
- Arcsoft Photo Impression Software
- USB Cable
- Detailed Instruction Manual
Covert Wrist Watch Digital Camera
And Video Camera With VIewing Screen $149.95
Covert Wrist Watch
Digital Camera And Video Camera Without Viewing Screen
[How To