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Vejhon by Ty Estus Narada
Cyonic Nemeton, P.O. Box 3121, Page, AZ  86040-3121

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The New Recruit -- Chapter 13

1.  "I think this is our 'in,'" the accountant said to Blue Funnel's CFO.  He pluged his jumper into the desk holoport. 

2.  Kor had taken his campaign speeches to an intergalactic level. He was wanted by Vejhonian authorities for questioning but Elite agents kept finding technical reasons to avoid such encounters.  At least one Elite cover was inside every component of government.  Operatives could easily sniff out Kor sympathizers and organize Elite cells to handicap government operations in inauspicious ways.  Like any cancer, the malignant cells began to spread.     

3.  "The manager at Balipor showed me something like this," the CFO said watching with great curiousity.  Because of the evasive manner in which Kor came and went, hundreds of inaccurate theories proliferated on the whereabouts of Kor.  Some even assumed that the Psionic Guard was protecting Kor for State security reasons.  All disinformation collectively worked in the Elites favor.  "If I remember right -- the issue was the Guard.  Do you think he'll crack 'em?"    

4.  Kor had become a celebrity in many off-world circles where Vejhonian authority didn't exist.  The media claimed that Kor's popularity was greater abroad than at home.  The tabloids criticized the government for hunting Kor like a common criminal;  "What did he do wrong?"  "Why is Kor wanted?"  As Vejhon's social climate continued to destabalize from fear and suspecion, Kor was perceived as 'a savior who can restore peace and safety to Vejhon.'  The oldest political 'con' in the Universe was proving 'tried and true' once again.  "It looks like he has cracked it," the accountant commented. 

5. By the time Vejhon's infrastructure fully grasped the rising tide turning against the State, it was too late to declare Kor a public enemy.  Such an act, so late in the game, would spark shellwide dissent and inflame a rebellion that climaxed in full revolution. To pacify growing concerns, it was leaked that 'the President wanted to meet Kor; to have informal talks and reach an understanding.'  As long as the government appeared to be 'on the run' -- Kor wasn't worried about anything else.  

6. "He doesn't want an 'understanding,' the accountant commented, "He wants control."  The CFO smiled in mockery.  'Control,' was the singular goal of Blue Funnel, although never advertised so bluntly.     

7. "Then lets arrange a meeting," the CFO suggested, spreading his hands in invitation, "I'm sure he could use our backing... and were not at Balipor."  

8.  In order for planned obsolescence to work, the public must believe a lie.  Kor seized power by selling the only solution to a problem that he created.  It was a page right out of Blue Funnel's SOP, which was precisely why the Psionic Guard banned Blue Funnel from operating outside the financial quarter at Balipor.  On Vejhon -- vehicle tires do last for the life of a vehicle and every home has a static power supply.  An entire galaxy was using bank notes and electronic credits backed by hot air, while Blue Funnel horded everything of tangible value; metals, jewels, commodities, real estate, art, any type of liquid asset, food and even water itself. 

9.  "I hear he has demonstrated power over life and death?" the CFO asked.  "That was based on the testimony of a retired Guard," the accountant clarified, "nobody's actually seen it though."  "Well, if a Guard says it..." the CFO said anecdotally, since the entire Universe knew that a Guard's testimony was 'proverbially' irrefutable, even in systems where the Guard had never set foot.            

10.  "I hate psionists," the CFO said, "They block business..."  He held short, but any psionist would have also heard, "...admirable objects to be slain."   In apsionic worlds, Blue Funnel has the 'champion of morality' quietly 'put down' or made an example of.  Blue Funnel runs all governments, prints all money and cares even less about the figurative law-making bodies.   "Just keep adding zeros," the previous CFO used to say, "and if that don't work... 'two cents' will."  'Two cents' is the Universal price of a bullet, notwithstanding the infinite transliterations.  Reptillians think in terms of 'forks' since dinner doesn't have to be dead in order to enjoy it.  

11.  Kor knew exactly what he was doing.  If there existed a single key to unlocking shell instability -- he had found it.  He had swept the chips into his satchel in one fell swoop, and felt no compulsion to oblige President Aqu'Sha's pretentious invitation for a meeting.  He didn't need the State.  The loser was trying to save face by offering the winner a truce.  The tabloids were dutifully warning him, "Don't Go Kor -- It's a Trap!"  "It looks like the shellans are behind you," his advisors agreed. 

12.  The accountant pulled his jumper out of the holoport.  "Arrange something," the CFO ordered.  Since Blue Funnel revolved around money, the CFO wielded more power than the CEO did. 


13. "Blue Funnel wants to meet you," an advisor reported.  "Hummmmm," Kor thought mischievously, "that might actually come in handy."  Kor's economic agenda could be enhanced with an injection of fiction from Blue Funnel's fictional reserves.  "Now wouldn't that piss off the establishment?" Kor commented.  "It's all a matter of what the shellans are willing to believe?" his advisor said.  That was certainly true, and it was working so far.  Blue Funnel's quadrant headquarters was on Theos proper.  "OK," Kor agreed matter-of-factly, "Tell them I'll meet them in the outlands -- no fanfare."  He didn't want any of his followers to associate him with them.

14.  "Technically... isn't it their choice to decide whom they will endorse?" his advisor asked, "They've always wanted an 'in' on Vejhon."  Their motivation did seem shamelessly transparent.

15.  That was an unavoidable truth.  On one hand, shellans might feel betrayed, on the other hand, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  "Once I have all the power," Kor reasoned, "it won't really matter what anyone thinks."  The bourgeois Theotian homeworld was so politically oversaturated that most mechanations of industry and commerce had to function off-shell in order to get something done.  In essence, the further one was stationed from Theos, the lower one's social status.  Blue Funnels figurative headquarters was nestled in the diplomatic district on Theos, but business had to be conducted elsewhere.  Theos proper was a giant royal court. 

16.  Industry and commerce was kept closer to Theos since the uberwealthy relied on their incomes to maintain a 'proper' residence on Theos.  The badlands were heavily influenced by neighboring civilized worlds with Theos's blessing.  If you expatriate the lowest class, then the next lowest class becomes the new lowest class, so the badlands served as a datum by which everyone else had to feel better.  For being so 'bad,' the badlanders were more popular, made more interesting news, produced actual warriors, better athletes and were secretly contracted for procreative purposes. 

17.  Queen Estuses herself was tracable to the badlands, but... "we don't talk about that..."  unless you want an unpleasant encounter with the secret service.         

18.  Blue Funnel promised to endorse Kor, win-or-lose, in exchange for a license to operate freely outside the financial quarter if he succeeded.  Kor agreed.  Now he had an unlimited supply of fiction to spend in areas where the fiction was believed to be real.   The fiction bought tangible materiels. 

19.  By capturing the support of the Theotian badlands, Kor created a disinformation corps capable of influencing attitudes closer to Theos.  There were factions on Theos that defended sedition and treason as a civil liberty; protected under 'free speech.'  There were aristrocrats and wealthy debutantes who were deeply moved by Kor's unquenchable fire.  Kor placed agents in both camps to influence attitudes as necessary, and to pit one faction against another as needed. 

20.  There was a military element that admired Kor because of his audacity to stand up to the establishment, "That's what we need here!  Someone with balls!" they barked; turn-key Elite recruits.  The military was composed mostly of badlanders since nobody from Theos proper wanted to get their privileged hands dirty.  Honorable separation from military service entitled a veteran to take up residency on Theos with all the rights and privileges of a 1st class citizen.  Most veterans returned home to become officials, since 1st class citizenship was required to hold any type of Federal office.  Many were susceptible to psionic suggestion.   

21.  Theotian checks-and balances was tri-fold:  The aristocracy was afraid of the military.  The military was afraid of the Senate.  The Senate was afraid of the aristocracy.   It worked.  Nothing got done.  Kor planted agents in all three branches. 

22.  Every government has a shadow government composed of plankholders sworn to enforce the founding architecture should the puppet government collapse.  The concept works until Blue Funnel buys them off and appoints a local CFO to take the heat of conspiracy theorists.   When the elusive, unnamed, unidentifiable, "they,"   removes itself from the public trust -- an invincible machine remains:  One that systematically ejects biological participation to maximize efficiency.             

23.  There was a fanatically loyal element that zealously served the state; who were called upon for rapid response:  The Saucer Jocks or SJ's.  They were vested by the State to enforce law and order domestically, and authorized by SpaceCom to oversee interstellar affairs.  In effect, SpaceCom was the defacto police agency of the Universe and guardians of interstellar commerce.  Their prestige throughout Theotia was comparable to the Psionic Guard on Vejhon.               

24.  Blue Funnel owned the saucer technology and guarded it as their greatest industrial secret.  The State had to accept it, because everyone's safty depended upon the saucers.  These multifaceted love-hate relationships comprised the quantum fabric of Theos.  Ultimately, Blue Funnel was a silent partner in everything, and at times, could even appear moral.  

25.  Terraforming was one of Theos' leading exports -- even the Cacci Dai deferred to Theos' terraforming expertise. They were known to terraform worlds with no intention of ever returning, simply to practice the art, and to give students something to practice on.  On a Blue Funnel ledger somewhere -- every last nut, bolt and pound of dirt was accounted for and tracked.  Quite simply:  Nobody perceives themselves as a villain when everybody lives in their own holographic mind.         


26.  The girls were screaming and the guys were cheering when he arrived.  Elite agents had to clear space so that his limo could land. 

27. "If you want to take back your future -- then TAKE it!"  Kor said persuasively, "You KNOW I can't do it without your help, but TOGETHER, we WILL PREVAIL!  TOGETHER, this Universe will bow down before us!"  Kor was a natural showman with giant screens projecting his larger-than-life image.  It was hard to catagorize this hard-rock style of campaigning because nobody had seen it done quite like this before.   

28. His speeches were hypnotic.  He knew what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to.  He could massage the psychic pulse of an audience into an ecstatic frenzy and have them eating out of his hand all night long.   He played upon their hopes and fears, and their wildest dreams dashed by an apathetic aristocracy.  "The homeworld doesn't care about you!"  "Where are THEY?  They have NO idea what your lives are like out HERE!"  "Do they even care that I'm here?"  He played the Theotian psyche as thought he had written the book on the subject. 

29. Kor was a camelleon who could change states-of-mind on-the-fly.  His appeal was Universal; addressing individual concerns with evangelical earnestness.  He was one of them; as if he had penned the entire Theotian saga as the High Herald of Azoth himself. 

30. During the show, spectactors would say, "I felt like Kor was talking directly to me!"  "I AM...talking to you," he would sometimes inject. The interviewer laughed. 

31. The most personally gratifying quality about Kor's Badlands campaign was that nobody ever reported anything unflattering or crass about his showmanship or his character.  He had the perfect blend of reality and spirit to buy the Exterior Regions hook, line and sinker.  Blue Funnel was taking notes too.  "I think he's going to walk right into the Emperial Throne room and take a seat," one accountant observed.     

32. There was a subtle technique unknown in the world of stagecraft that Kor was quite deft at applying:  His Elite retinue blanketed the arena with a psionic shroud that embued peace, tranquility and a sense of harmonious belonging.  The shroud would have been easily detected by a Psionic Guard, but was highly addictive otherwise.  Only those who knew the 6th-Dan intonations could do this.     

33. When the shroud was in place, those blessed by its protectiveness were susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.  The suggestion contained two words:  "Follow Kor."  There was one soul in the back of that very large crowd who would have never seen what was coming...


34. Kor sensed an individual in the back of the audience who had the potential to fill an office that he had left blank.  This night had been exceptionally electric:  It began with shooting stars streaking against an azure twilight and a beautiful aurora at the finish.  The whole affair seemed blessed by The One. 

35. In the very back, leaning against a maintenance ramp retaining wall, one Theotian knew for certain that his face was the least important, most meaningless face in that very large crowd.  In spite of his abandoned dreams, he let his soul melt into Kor's compelling oratory. 

36.  Like the others, he longed for salvation too, but stood a better chance of winning the lottery, then becoming a part of Kor's legacy.   

37.  After the crowd disbanded, Dal walked to his favorite pantheon to contemplate the incredible power of Kor's message.  It seemed so unreal. 

38.  The pantheon was built on a ledge that jutted daringly out into a canyon as an architectural expression that tempted fate.  The ground was solid, but seemed dangerously unstable.  The locals came here to look death in the face, because it seemed like only God and the power of prayer kept the ledge from breaking off and killing any wary visitors.  "Who had the nerve to erect anything on that ledge?" nearly every first-time visitor asked. 

39.  "The symbolism is an accurate reflection of how I feel," Dal thought.  If the ledge broke while he was on it, he would accept that it was his time to go.              

40.  Distant city lights lay well beyond the opposite ledge once twilight faded.  It had a romantic quality, but he had given up on love long ago when she took everything in the divorce.  That was her only goal to begin with.  "Never again," he told himself.     

41. He felt an unnatural resurgence of the euphoria he felt during the rally.  He was sensitive to its supernaturalness.  "Am I forcing this?" he wondered, "or am I changed somehow?"       

42. "Dal El," a voice called, in a deep, quiet tone, as if the pantheon had become animated.  He looked around blankly to trace the sound to a source.  

43.  "This couldn't possibly be happening," he dismissed, "My wishful thinking... I'm hallucinating."  His cannon of self-defeatist rhetoric was loaded, but failed to fire.  His mind drew a blank.  "Yes... for once, just roll with it:  Don't vandalize the moment."  Dal didn't rely much on hope lately.  He was well enough off, but... whatever. 

44. "Did you think I would leave you here all alone?" Kor asked.  The fraternal nature of Kor's question unraveled the rest of Dal El's nerves.  He froze with a spine-tingling sensation.  "What does a mortal do in God's presence?  ... a God who chose to be with me right now?"  "I'm unconscious, dreaming this," he concluded, "Where's my body?" 

45. Kor had read every detail of Dal El's life, including those memories that he had long forgot.  He had many outstanding achievements, but timing always worked against him.  He was an easy target for soul demons to rape and pillage, so he abandoned his struggle for justice and resigned himself to this lowly station.  The thrill had died years ago.  He was alive for responsibilities sake, and for no other reason. 

46. Kor saw Dal's advanced degrees from Theos' most prestigious university:  A doctorate in gravametric anomalies and a book about spatial curiosities that most pedestrians had no idea even existed.  All of his ideas had been plagiarized and the thieves rewarded handsomely.  Dal had nothing to show for anything he did.    

47. He could have written his own ticket anywhere in all of Theotia, but his unwillingness to romantically humor an aristocract doomed him to economic obscurity.  Justice is never about right or wrong -- it's about what one can afford, and Dal couldn't afford it. 

48.  Kor respected Dal's stalwartness in the face of career-altering retribution, because anyone else would have caved... sans himself.  The deeper he probed, the more he liked what he saw:  Given the right license, Dal could energize the Elite with strategies and perspectives that would seem otherworldly and refreshing.  In fact, Dal was somewhat of an alien in his meaningless existence already. 

49.  There was another disturbance; something that did not belong to this time, and it wasn't connected to Dal El. 

50.  Kor concealed his frustration, in spite of his desire to once and for all, capture that fracking little bastard and shred it to pieces with his bare hands.  

51.  "Is Tetragammeton wanting to fight?" he wondered.  "If so -- bring it on!" 

52.  It also became obvious that the object was recording events of significance.  "It knows I won't attack it right now.  Smart machine."    

53.  "Pray that I don't find you in a dark alley," Kor warned the object psionically, and then resumed his task at hand.  Dal did not suspect anything at all, which was how Kor wanted it.  

54.  "Dal El," Kor said again, pleased that he could toggle between two diabolically opposite states of mind. 

55.  Dal was intermingling with the colors of the aurora; riding on a surreal ribbon of hope. 

56.  Kor knew that Dal had spiritually immolated himself before him; that there was no contest, and possibly no need to perform the rite...

57.  ... but it had to be performed as the scrolls commanded.       

58.  Dal contemplated leaping over the rail into the cloudy canyon below.  Not because he was suicidal, but because Kor's voice made him believe that he wouldn't die, even if he tried to:  It would prove to be insightful.

59. "This is not a time for weakness," Kor said with a gentle edge.  He was refering to Dal's sentiments and not his character.  His character was solid.  "Turn around and come to me."  His tone was like a parent to a child.  

60.  Dal turned around, approached Kor and knelt down at his feet in a fetal position.  His submission was void of all pretensions, just as Kor suspected.

61. "Dal El," Kor said, "I know everything about you...and you know that I know it.  I know that you would pass every test that I gave you, to prove yourself to me...so I will give you only one.  Lean back so that I can see you."

62. Dal El sat back on his heels but did not look into Kor's face.  He was committed to do anything that Kor commanded him, and Kor knew it. 

63. From a fold in his robe, Kor unsheathed a ceremonial dagger that still held an edge, and presented it to Dal El.

64. Dal reached for it, and then withdrew realizing an impending danger. 

65. He repeated the antic while trying to reconcile the contradiction.  Kor patiently observed the struggle in Dal's mind.  The moment was symbolic and permanent.  Dal had to chose:

66.  What did he desire most?  Who did he love most? 

67.  At long last, and with nothing more to lose than himself, he retrieved the dagger and held it reverantly.

68.  He could have called himself a fool, but it really didn't matter at this point.  He didn't care if he was a fool or not.    

69.  Dal didn't care if he died because he believed in Kor.  "Faith can extinquish Zena," Azoth said in the fable, "or create one."   Zena is an Elliptical sun.

70. "Stab yourself in the heart," Kor ordered him, suddenly and powerfully.      

71. Those words split Dal's mind in two, but only temporarily, like throwing a ball up in the air.  

72.  He suspected that Kor might ask him to do that, and he wanted to demonstrate that his submission was complete. 

73.  He wasn't especially distraught at the idea of stabbing himself in the heart.  He regretted the idea of losing his new found purpose.

74.  "Maybe it's worth it," Dal reasoned, "to discover my true love and then die:  To live in this one eternity, and end it on this note... like a Jolvian tragedy."

75.  Kor did not mean to roll his eyes; but the drama unfolding in Dal's mind could one day be funny.  Just not today.        

76. The potential for failure did exist; this was a real test that had to be passed.  "Dal can do it.  Now, will he?" 

77. The Elite Order would remain unfulfilled until this moment passed. "There can be only one," Kor privately coached, "Vice... Elite," he accentuated.   

78. The next moment relied entirely upon Dal El.  It was as if time had stopped to await his decision.

79. He was not looking for deliverance.  His analytical mind sought a rational outcome.  He wanted deliverance from his mind... now holding a dagger at arms length with both hands, pointed at his heart.  Dal El laughed at the absurdity -- because it fit perfectly.  "It all comes down to this -- staring at a dagger pointed at your heart held by your own hand."    

80. "My whole life has been reduced to the meaning of one unquantifiable word," he thought, "Faith."  "Yes!" Kor cheered him on, quietly, "this is the moment:  The key by which I work wonders!  And you will too."

81. With a tight, concentrated flinch in his face - Dal El lunged the dagger deep into his chest and cleanly pierced his heart.

82. He sat on his heels while his chest struggled for life, and then went unconscious.  

83. His final act was to gracefully fall to his right side and spare his body further injury.  

84. Kor resisted the urge to clutch his own chest when Dal plunged the dagger into his, but he felt it nonetheless.  He felt the cold steel blade penetrate his heart.  As the Master, he had to let him perform this rite on his own; the most important testimony that Dal would ever profess. 

85.  The scrolls are fulfilled.  That was the easy part.  So, Dal was dead.  

86. Kor looked at Dal's lifeless body; a sacrifice that the 200 Elders did not have to make.  This rite was reserved expressly for the Vice-Elite.  The Elders had erroneously presumed that this rite was figurative or a mistranslation from Dans past, just like the literal rite of Kor's ascension.          

87. Once Dal was medically beyond any possibility of reviving, Kor prepared to perform the next step.     

88. He knelt down beside Dal and raised his lifeless head onto his thigh.  The water was already separating from his blood.

89. The final step would seal their bond, a bond that transcends death.      

90. Kor removed the dagger from Dal's body, licked some of the blood off of the blade and returned the dagger to its sheath inside the fold in his robe.

91. He placed his right hand over Dal El's chest and worked the energizing formula that had resurrected the Psionic Guard not long ago.

92. Within moments, Dal El was conscious again.  His body was healed and he opened his eyes. 

93. The bloodstains and the tear in his tunic remained, but the dagger wound was gone.

94. Dal looked at Kor quietly, "Did I pass?" he thought.  Kor grinned.  At a more frivolous occasion, he might have replied with, "What a stupid question!"  This moment had epochal significance:  For the first time in many, many Dans, the Elite Body was whole, and Dal El's sacrifice brought that dream into reality.  The number of creatures in the Universe who could copy what Dal did were few and far between.    

95. Dal was now in an elevated status, 2nd only to Kor.  He lifted Dal to his feet and embraced him warmly.  Not even El Sha had seen this side of Kor.     

96. He stepped back to confer upon Dal El his new title; dutifully earned and sealed.  His sillouette was draped by shooting stars.  

97. "From this day forward," Kor began, "you shall be known as my 'Vice Elite'. Your voice will be my voice. Your command will be my command, and your rank within the Secret Society will be second only to mine."  Kor finished ex cathedra, "So Mote It Be." 

98.  The Elite body was officially complete.  Both of them breathed a sigh of relief. 

99.  Kor permitted Dal a moment to bask in his new life, and then said, "Let's go -- we're just getting started!" 

100. As they turned to leave, Kor sensed a distraction in Dal's mind, and recognized it immediately.  Dal sensed that Kor was probing.  

101. "There was a cylindrical object that I saw while my body was dead, " Dal El said, "It was hovering... I thought it might be one of yours, but wasn't sure."

102. "I know that object," Kor said, "That thing has vexed me, my entire life -- and I'm linked to it somehow.  It passes through time and seems indiginous, but it's not indiginous -- it speaks shellan."  Kor's complexion tightened.  "The only feeling I have, is that it must be destroyed."

103. Dal wanted to interrogate the machine first, then reverse engineer it.  "We'll then," Dal offered, "We'll destroy it together, My Lord."  To solidify the partnership, Kor surrendered his implicit trust in Dal, because the only absolute in his Universe, would be Dal El's obedience to him.  
