1 Immediate Checklist
2 Phone Notifications
3 Funeral Information
4 Attorney Accountant
5 Vehicles & Insurance
6 Financial Institutions
7 Medical & Insurance
8 Home Info Insurance
9 Internet Information
10 Personal Docs 
11 Distribution Goods
12 Retirement Account
13 Real Estate
14 Outstanding Loans
15 Credit Cards




Ethan Shawn Narada         23AUG95               Newport News, VA


Dylan Tyler Narada           23AUG95                Newport News, VA



Brenda will retain control of the boys. 

16 Taxes

17 Keys

18 Wills & Trusts

19 Accs Receivable

20 Life Insurance

21 Investments

22 Personal Letters

23 Genealogy

24 Testimony

25 Digital Info

26 Representative

27 Letter to Brenda

28 Letter to Ethan

29 Letter to Dylan

>  H O M E  <

If Brenda dies, the boys may choose to reside with members of the LDS church in Page, AZ or reside with my brother, Gregory William Peters who will grant them access to other family members. 

 The document so stating is located in the cubby labeled “Insurance” above my desk.

 Desires for religious upbringing, military and education will be specified here.

Provisions for financial support of minor children


Name and breed of pet(s)

 Name, number and location of veterinarian

 Location of medical records

 Desires for guardianship of pet(s)

 Arrangement for financial support of pets(s)

 Disposition of pet upon death of that animal

Description, value and disbursement of other show animals, horses and / or livestock