by Ty E.
The FAA controls air traffic from NORAD was built in 1958 by the The National Command Authority identifies the president, the secretary of defense and any agency called upon to carry out their orders. In the event of a hijacking, ATC is supposed to contact the Pentagon’s NMCC and request a military escort. The NMCC through the Secretary of Defense will notify NORAD. Pre-9/11 contingency plans presumed that: - A hijacked aircraft would be readily identifiable and would not disappear. - There would be time to notify the appropriate FAA and NORAD chains of command. - The hijacking would take the traditional form and not be a suicide hijacking. The 9/11 report effectively describes how unsuited we were in every respect to prevent what happen. When the Boston ATC suspected that American 11 was hijacked when it failed to climb to 35,000 and turned off its transponder, his manager told him to follow SOP for “no radio” aircraft. Third Annual Report of the Gilmore Commission:
pages 35-40 Less than 3% of shipping containers are inspected which enables Human smuggling and the spread of disease. The CRS report recommends: - That DHS integrate all agencies affiliated with border protection. - The consolidation of all applicable intelligence. - That a cargo manifest accompany all shipments. - Establish a “Trusted Shipper” program. - Expand Coast Guard authority. - That DHS coordinate a fully resourced R & D facility for detection equipment. - Negotiate more comprehensive agreements with NAFTA regarding terrorism Border Security: The Role of the Our southern border with Border Security: Inspections, Practices, Policies
Issues All inspection duties are integrated under DHS. Immigration law requires the inspection of
all aliens who seek entry into the Border and Transportation Security: Selected
Programs and
Policies Current programs and policies can be grouped under the following generic categories: - Push the border outwards to intercept unwanted people or goods (PAX pre-screening). - Harden the border through the use of technology (such as biometric identifiers). - Make the border more accessible for legitimate trade and travel ("trusted traveler"). - Strengthen the border inspection process by adding terrorist and watch lists to existing intelligence. - Coordinate interdiction programs with Border and Transportation Security: Key Agencies Four main interdiction agencies are organized under DHS: - The - The Bureau of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). - The - The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Coyotes can bring in just as many terrorists as illegals and receive better payments, plus incentives for having a shopping list ready to pick up on arrival. In the meantime, it’s so much more productive to posture with speeches and arrest border patrol agents for doing their jobs than to back our agents with the law they swore to uphold. If we’re going to tolerate the transgression of US
by drug shipments protected by a foreign Army, then the It
is truly amazing that terrorists haven’t taken down
more planes with RPG’s since the Russians and Chinese have made
shoulder-fired heat seekers available to the higest bidder on the
black-market. It’s another disaster waiting to happen. No planning: Just stop anywhere outside of
any secured area, aim and fire. |